UVC Dosimeters change CoLOr
when exposed to UV-C energy…
so you can independently validate your devices and procedures to SEE if an optimal dose of UVGI has been delivered to a surface. Having a visual indication of dose is critical for the success of your UV-C disinfection protocols. UVC Dosimeters are recommended for use during every disinfection cycle to provide visible confirmation and confidence for staff, patients, visitors and guests.
UVC Dosimeters
When exposed to specific ultraviolet wavelengths, the yellow indicator area on UVC Dosimeters will visibly change color to indicate an accumulated dose of germicidal irradiation. UVC Dosimeters help users see if surfaces have received enough energy to kill viruses, bacteria and spores. Delivering a sufficient dose of UV-C is vital to effectively sanitize surfaces, which is why color-changing dosimeters are such an important part of the disinfection process.
(Powered by Intellego Technologies)
25 mJ/cm²
50 mJ/cm²
100 mJ/cm²
UVC Dosimeters Card
Validated by RISE:
Research Institutes of Sweden
shelf life
Provides visible evidence of UVGI at doses of 20, 50, 100 mJ/cm²
(for UVC 222 devices, up to150 mJ/cm² )
Designed & manufactured
in Sweden
Ideal for staff training, validating performance, and comparison of different UV-C devices
(For 254 Devices)
UVC 254 TRI Card
Our 254 TRI Cards provide visible evidence of successful germicidal irradiation from UV-C devices using the 254 nm wavelength.
UVC254 TRI cards provide a simple, accurate way to see how much germicidal UV-C has been delivered to surfaces around a room or to objects inside a disinfection cabinet. Color-changing UVC Dosimeters help you validate any UV-C device and provide real-time visible evidence of successful UVGI.
(For 222 Devices)
UVC 222 Dots
Introducing the first-ever UVC Dosimeter for Far UV-C
Using a patented, UV-sensitive material, UVC Dosimeters react to UV-C at 222 nm. These color-changing indicators are ideal for use with UV-C disinfection systems and help you validate your devices, procedures and visibly see if target surfaces have received enough germicidal irradiation to kill harmful bacteria, viruses and spores.
UVC Dosimeters
for Every Industry
UVC Dosimeters help you visibly demonstrate the effectiveness of you UVC disinfection processes so you can restore confidence to your patients, employees, customers, guests, visitors, clients and more. If you’re looking for Private Label options for your specific industry or business need, let’s talk.